Tag Archive for: systems theory
An Inquiry into Principles of Requisite Agility in Situations of Complexity
Here are a set of principles to help guide the thinking and practice of Requisite Agility. Requisite Agility is an emerging practice of how to develop work system capabilities of an organization within its ecosystem to acquire the ability to adapts its value propositions and respond in real-time to changes in (multi-sided) demand as they emerge dynamically within each customer’s contextualized situational need in a way that is profitably sustainable by the organization.
Guidelines for Business Transformation Under Conditions of Complexity
Business management techniques that grew up under a manufacturing and industrial paradigm in the early to mid 20th Century, and form the backbone of how business continues to be done today, may no longer be appropriate under the current socio-technological revolution. We need to find new ideas and models to help us deal with more complex multi-party strategies.