Tag Archive for: Gad Saad

Additional Insights About Postmodernism

Postmodernism: A Primer for Reasoning Minds | Part 11: Afterword: Learning About Postmodernism From the Experience of its Victims

In this series of blog posts I have tried to show throughout this essay that the postmodernist ideology is anti-philosophical and anti-human. Like most things that are mindlessly destructive, it can arise and lurk in dark corners where it hides out of sight.
Postmodernism: A Creepy Creeping Ideology of Destruction

Postmodernism: A Primer for Reasoning Minds | Part 2: Postmodernism: A Creepy Creeping Ideology of Destruction

Postmodernism is a body of ideas loosely packaged together and set forth to purposefully attack and fracture rational and scientific metaphysics and epistemology, leaving mankind damned to a lifetime struggle against absurdity, chaos, submission, and sublimation of the individual into the collective.
What Is Postmodernism?© 2021 Barry L. Linetsky. All Rights Reserved

Postmodernism: A Primer for Reasoning Minds | Part 1: What Is Postmodernism?

Postmodernism as a skeptical philosophy and ideology is all the rage in today’s culture and is becoming increasingly mainstream as people begin to pay attention to the causes of the confusing absurdities and disconcerting destabilizing events playing out in our political institutions, media, universities, communities, workplaces, and perhaps even our own households.