What Is Postmodernism?© 2021 Barry L. Linetsky. All Rights Reserved

Postmodernism: A Primer for Reasoning Minds | Part 1: What Is Postmodernism?

Postmodernism as a skeptical philosophy and ideology is all the rage in today’s culture and is becoming increasingly mainstream as people begin to pay attention to the causes of the confusing absurdities and disconcerting destabilizing events playing out in our political institutions, media, universities, communities, workplaces, and perhaps even our own households.
The Need to Plan

If You Are An Organizational Leader, You Need To Plan

A plan is just a road map or compass to get you from one place to another. It need not be overly complicated, but it needs to be detailed enough to serve its purpose. Anything done long-term requires a plan to guide thinking and outline intentions and boundaries for employees in getting work done and serving the larger business purpose and objectives.
Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale

Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale Resonates Loudly 35 Years After Publication

Margaret Atwood’s book The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) is an easy to read and beautifully written cautionary dystopian tale of how quickly and easily totalitarianism can destroy the freedom we take for granted.
Why Strategic Planning is Both Natural and Necessary for Success© 2020, Barry L. Linetsky. All Rights Reserved

Why Strategic Planning is Both Natural and Necessary for Success

A strategic plan is an essential management process and tool. It significantly contributes to organizing the thinking and actions required to ensure a valued and profitable use of resources sufficient to sustain and enhance the profitability and continued existence of the business or organization.
The Imperative of Business StrategyChris Lawton - unsplash

The Imperative of Business Strategy

Strategy is the roadmap for success. It is an articulated expression of what the organization strives to achieve, and how it will go about doing so.
Cover of Understanding and Creating Vision and Mission Statements by Linetsky & StojsicBarry L. Linetsky, 2020. All Rights Reserved

The Myth of the Memorable Mission Statement

It is a common perspective amongst leaders that an organizational statement of purpose must be short, memorable and motivating like the world’s greatest marketing slogans or brand tag lines. What these executives are never able to validate is why this is better or more important than a more comprehensive statement that explains and communicates the purpose of the business.
© 2020, Barry L. Linetsky. All Rights Reserved

How Failure and Entrepreneurial Vision Fuel Success | Part 4: Failure is a Prompt to Check Your Premises

The key to benefitting from failure does not reside in failing. Failing is not a virtuous act.
© 2020, Barry L. Linetsky. All Rights Reserved

How Failure and Entrepreneurial Vision Fuel Success | Part 3: Walt Disney’s Method for Converting Failure into Success: Contrast and Extension

Throughout his roughly forty-five-year career, from Kansas City, Missouri, to California and Florida, Walt Disney marched towards a higher vision of possibility and actuality as seen in contrast to the “failed” solutions of business and urban planning conventions. He was an innovator.
© 2020, Barry L. Linetsky. All Rights Reserved

How Failure and Entrepreneurial Vision Fuel Success | Part 2: Failure Can Be Mined for New Knowledge and Unseen Opportunities

In the right context and when appropriately framed, the identification of failure is one the best way to scout out and identify the possibilities for improvement. To the keen entrepreneurial eye, the failure of others can shine light on potential opportunities.
© 2020, Barry L. Linetsky. All Rights Reserved

How Failure and Entrepreneurial Vision Fuel Success | Part 1: Does More Failure Bring More Success?

There is a strange idea that has been floating around the world of management for the past few decades. It is this: failure is good and should be both encouraged and embraced.
Creative Destruction Disney Zino_Sheers_Unsplash

The Process of Creative Destruction in Walt Disney’s Success

With the recent interest in applying Austrian economic theory towards a better understanding of managerial effectiveness, there is value in reflecting on Walt Disney’s career through an Austrian lens.
How Economic Thinking Can Benefit Consumers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs (Part 8)Barry L. Linetsky, 2019

How Economic Thinking Can Benefit Consumers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs | Part 8: The Solution Is In How We Solve Problems

A technique to improving managerial performance when planning is to take into account the second and third-order consequences and implications of one’s actions across an expanding time period. The farther out one is able to project and consider, the better.