Entries by Barry Linetsky

An Inquiry into Principles of Requisite Agility in Situations of Complexity

Here are a set of principles to help guide the thinking and practice of Requisite Agility. Requisite Agility is an emerging practice of how to develop work system capabilities of an organization within its ecosystem to acquire the ability to adapts its value propositions and respond in real-time to changes in (multi-sided) demand as they emerge dynamically within each customer’s contextualized situational need in a way that is profitably sustainable by the organization.

If You Meet the Buddha on the Road…

The claim to “my truth” is actually a claim to no truth, where the best anybody can do is to have and express their own opinion as most suitable in the pursuit of mental health and psychological well-being. The problem is that if there is no means to discover reality, then there can be no claims to truth, even “my truth.” The logic here should be obvious to anybody except these who try to enhance their psychological well-being without any grounding in reality and the requirements of human beings.

Discovering Requisite Agility: An Integrated Approach to Value Creation in a VUCA World | Part 6 | Seeking a Requisite Agility Paradigm

In summary, Requisite Agility is emerging as a new and modern scientific and human-centric approach to making-sense of difficult challenges in complex human environments. It is an advanced conceptual system approach and set of practices to address and solve highly complex problems of value-creation and resource allocation that can bring about radical positive change, where demand tempos exceed enterprise integration tempos.

Discovering Requisite Agility: An Integrated Approach to Value Creation in a VUCA World | Part 5 | The Tempo Dance

© 2022, Barry L. Linetsky. All Rights Reserved In every economic exchange there is a supply side and a demand side—there is production of something that will only be ascribed value and acquired for use if it is perceived by a consumer as the best available solution to resolve their specific contextualized problem. This raises […]

Discovering Requisite Agility: An Integrated Approach to Value Creation in a VUCA World | Part 4 | The Challenge of Geometries-of-Use and the Power of Requisite Agility

© 2022, Barry L. Linetsky. All Rights Reserved The purpose of Requisite Agility is to provide deep and meaningful insights into what is going on under the surface of perceived complexity, and then to provide informed practical guidance to innovate and cope successfully in serving consumers. Technology and digitization have opened the doors to a new epoch […]